martes, 13. mayo 2003
Steven Spielberg's letter to Manolo Escobar

Dear sir

I write to inform you of my desire to acquire your "carro" or whatever. I would want the transaction to be strictly as confidential as possible. Furthermore, I want my identity to remain undisclosed at least by now until the transaction has been completed. My intention is to make a movie, a remake from my first film "Duel" (as far as I know, you may know this film by "El diablo sobre ruedas"). The remake will have the following title: "The devil over hoofs".

The main character will be a man who wants to go to the "romería" with his "carro", but suddenly another "carro", of which we only see an evil donkey, wants to get him out of the streets. A kind of "Ben-Hur", if you want. You are requested to communicate your acceptance or otherwise of this proposal through my email address. After which we shall discuss in details the modalities for seeing this transaction through.

Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.

Best Regards


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