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martes, 2. febrero 2016
Un periodista es un traidor que te explica el mar enseñándote una concha mojada. ... Comment on 2/2/16 20:38, wilhelm peter añadió:
born under a bad sign ? maybe there are people like that cause shit happens but we are lucky (not all the time) cause i am all of that i will show you another sight a journalist struggles aganst the increasing stupidity of what idiots call "common sense" working on easy examples to avoid overloading the ability of comprehension of people whose maximum level is "street smart" a politician tries to find ways to establish a better community despite the limited support of his voters and lots of obstacles a poet is a loser who prefers writing instead of living a historician collects material for those able to think and interprete a fortune-teller doesn't exist and a prophet can't tell you the future but he can say things like "if you do this... ...under circumstances like that... ...very likely leads to this..." during the past three decades i cannot remember one of my prophecies that failed that saddens me cause most of my prophecies were warnings and i saw them die that caused me a cassandra-complex cause some of them were very close to me so i learned stupidity (not knowing) is no problem cause people can learn but folly (not wanting to know / prejudice) makes the world a shitty place i see myself not as a philosopher cause they only love wisdom speaking preaching but not living what they already know but if they do they are beginning to become wise this is my way and every morning with my first cup of coffee i feel having risen a bit again this is the best i know (exept love) so have a look at the goodies! thanks for your provocative pamphlet :) and sorry for maybe too much cause ;) |
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