martes, 27. junio 2006
España, the underachiever

Prometo que el siguiente teletipo es del 6 de diciembre de 2005.

The most famous underachievers of all World Cup regulars, this time around Spain seem to have the same mercurial talent and fragile mentality that frustrates their fans every four years.

Ahead of this week's draw in Leipzig for next summer's finals some of Spain's players have been looking forward to the draw and to Germany 2006.

With a dozen World Cup finals appearances to their name the best Spain have ever achieved is fourth place in 1950. To reach next summer's finals, Luis Aragones' squad had to squeeze in through a play-off victory against Slovakia and to make matters worse for Spain two of their key players - Barcelona midfielder Xavi and Real Madrid striker Raul - are out with long-term knee injuries. So, with this week's draw for the finals in mind, what does next summer augur for Spain, for so long seen as one of international football's major under-achievers?

Real Madrid defender Michel Salgado - a regular for both club and country - was asked who he saw as the major contenders for honours in Germany.
SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) "I think that they are the same as always. When you think of the final phase of the World Cup there are always a group of teams that are always favourite. At this moment I think that above all the rest is Brazil which is the only team that is making a difference above the rest. Next there is a group of contenders that are at a similar level, these are Italy, Germany the usual lot. We could find ourselves at the same level as France, England and Argentina. These are the sides that in the final phase are important and could make a difference."


Their problem is that come international tournaments they don't find it that easy to win either. No one will particularly want to be lumped with Spain in Friday's draw but given the country's performances in the past and the players in the current squad the major contenders won't especially fear Spain either ahead of Germany 2006.

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